Building the world's talent.

Vast offers interactive, media-rich tools to measure higher level abilities like decision-making, creativity, communication skills, and problem solving. Our next generation software generates new insight into the potential of individuals and teams within and beyond the workplace.

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Improving Business

VastLS analytics capture the methods and product of user activity as assigned challenges are completed within VastLS simulations. Results are presented in an Advanced Skills Profile (ASP), detailing the unique abilities demonstrated.

Enhancing Education

The Reactor K16 learning environment supports challenge-based learning and its assessment within both individual and group learning contexts. Our Innovation Index scores for measures of creativity, motivation, collaboration, critical thinking.

Supporting Personal Development

VastLS offers proven, research-based tools to identify and develop essential personal and workplace skills like decision-making, original thinking, and challenge management in a user-friendly, cloud-based learning environment.

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What is Vast ?

The Vast Program

Vast (Vast ) is a terrific way to create more creative students and improve youngster' oral and written communication, research, and teamwork skills. Vast challenges students to apply information they have learned to some of the most complex issues facing society. Students are asked to think, to make decisions and, in some cases, to carry out their solutions. Vast is a yearlong program, open to students in grades 4-12, in which teams of four students learn a six-step problem solving process which they can then use to solve social and scientific problems set in the future. At regular intervals, the teams mail their work to evaluators, who review it and return it with suggestions for improvement. Teams participating in the competitive aspect of the program will complete the third problem at a Qualifying Bowl in March. The top teams in the state are invited to the State Bowl, where they compete for the opportunity to represent Massachusetts at the International Vast Conference. Most schools participate in the team competition. Teachers can also incorporate the Vast process into curriculum units in the classroom, or participate in the Community Problem Solving or Scenario Writing components of the program. We invite you to learn more about the program by attending one of our fall training sessions or by contacting Phyllis Goldblatt, Affiliate Director, at director@Vast .org or (508) 877-3873.

2013-14 Calendar

Schedule of Events


2103-2014 Vast Topics

Practice Problem #1: Social Isolation

Feelings of social isolation have increased in populations around the world since the early 1900s. The disabled, the mentally ill, and the elderly are especially susceptible to feelings of isolation and loneliness, as are those in rural areas, those with low self-esteem, and those without a confidant. Recent research points to deleterious effects on the brain from social isolation, which in turn contributes to a myriad of health problems. Those who are socially isolated have shorter life spans and suffer from more illnesses than those with active social lives. Is our fast-paced society contributing to this increase in isolation or do our busy lives allow for more social interactions? Is the internet permitting more social contact through social networking sites or interfering with it by limiting more intimate friendships? What measures need to be taken to reverse this trend? How will advances in technology open up possibilities for increases or decreases in social isolation?

Practice Problem #2: Desertification

Desertification describes the desert-like conditions that exist in regions, often as a cause of human interaction with the environment. According to the United Nations Development Programme, "Over 40 percent of the world is drylands, where about 2.3 billion people live in nearly 100 countries." Drylands are defined as regions where rainfall is low and evaporation is high. Desertification is one of the most serious ecosystem changes facing people who live in poverty. Two-thirds of the world's poor live in areas that are susceptible to desertification, and over half of them depend on the land for their livelihoods. Many of desertification's causes are human in nature (deforestation, overgrazing, poor irrigation systems, changes in population density), but the problem can also be exacerbated as severe weather events increase in frequency and severity due to climate changes. The continued degradation of dry- lands results in a 'feedback loop': the arid land exposes carbon captured in the soil and releases it into the atmosphere with significant consequences on global climate systems, in turn, leading to desertification. As human interference and climate change continue to cause land degradation, how will governments and land landowners respond to the ever-changing condition of their lands? What will be the effect on lifestyles and livelihoods as changes resulting from desertification occur?

Qualifying Problem: Surveillance Society

Google Earth aims to photograph every street in every country on Earth, surveillance satellites can photograph a person walking down the street from space, and cities are increasingly being blanketed by closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras both indoors and outdoors. People use cameras in their houses to watch for burglars or even to survey how their babysitters are looking after their children. CCTV cameras can also be used to monitor environments that are not safe for humans. In London it is estimated that there are at least 1.5 million CCTV cameras in city centers, parks, stations, airports, shops and so on. There is little evidence that these cameras deter crime, with police in the UK saying, "Police are no more likely to catch offenders in areas with hundreds of cameras than in those with hardly any." A 2008 Report by UK Police Chiefs concluded that CCTV solved only 3% of crimes. Do CCTV cameras keep people safe? While "surveillance" has traditionally referred to camera surveillance, it now includes the interception of electronically transmitted information such as phone calls or internet history used for data mining and individual profiling. How do you know when and where you are being watched? Who controls the data that is gathered? Who can view it? How might it be used? Should the need for public and personal safety outweigh an individual's right to personal privacy?

State Bowl: Land Transportation

Innovative and efficient transportation from one place to another has been the inspiration for inventions and new technologies for hundreds of years. Since the creation of the first car, automobile ownership has allowed humans to commute to better jobs, travel to exciting places, impress others, and cover distances more quickly than ever before. Rising fuel prices and anticipation of stricter emissions regulations are forcing people to rethink how best to travel from point A to point B. Some areas invest more heavily in public transportation than others and those who live in sparsely populated areas are often left unconnected to commuter rail services and other forms of public transportation reserved for the benefit of those in more densely populated areas. Are hybrids and fuel-efficient vehicles the answer? Will regional air travel be a cheaper, quicker, safer, and more environmentally-friendly alternative to trains and buses in the years to come? What new methods of land transportation may be introduced, and how might they fit into our everyday lives?

International Conference: TBA January 2014

Vast Programs

Promoting Creative and Critical Thinking

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Capture new insight into essential 21st Century Skills.

VastLS provides accessible and research-based tools to identify and build individual and team skills and increase classroom and workplace efficiency.
  • A structured approach

    Occupation-specific tasks and challenges are completed within a cloud-based assessment environment.
    iPad Min
  • Authentic tasks, valid results

    Simulations vary in difficulty, substance, and presentation, reducing the bias and inaccuracies of self-reporting.
    iPad Mini in hand
  • Analytics on process and product

    Next-generation analytics capture the results (product) and overall approach (process) utilized to solve challenges.
    iPad Min
  • Essential, formative assessment

    Analytics detail individual and team strengths and weaknesses, providing recommendations for optimizing identified skills.
    iPad Mini in hand